Here are the results of the 34th International Eastern dogshow out of Leeuwarden the Netherlands
(with CAC and CACIB) organised by the KCF
Total number of presented Laekenois 3
Judge was Mr. G. Rual (GB)
The visitors of the show was so impressed by this sign (notice the Laeken Puppy !!)
So we decided to make the -Kennelclub of Friesland- honorary Golden Laekenois Winners !

"For excellent choice of motive on promotion flyer !"
See bottom of page

Open class:
1.ex. Mc William's Jerom (CAC, CACIB and BOB)

1.ex Mc William's Jente (R-CAC and CACIB)

Young Dogs:
1.ex Yulan D'Eroudur (CAC)

Photos and results provided by Petra Colijn & Ton v.d.Walle