KENNEL FANNYHILLS "Private collection" Page 1/3
This is the father of the first Laekenois litter to be born in Sweden
NUCH Dutchman Of The Orchide´s Home
(Mendo Von Der Middachten / Nora V. Limburg Stam)
From Left to Right---- Nch, Sch, IntCh, NordCh, (Tjh, R.A.) Fannyhills Chantal
(Dutchman Of../ Dizza Vom Floesserdorf)
LuxembCh Hassan Van Kriekebos
& Korad Dizza Vom Floesserdorf
(Fedor Von Sisgau / Nicole Porretta)

Dizza was the mother of the first Laekenois litter to be born in Sweden

Sch, Korad (Tjh) Fannyhills Hot Stuff
(Zhale Rough Justice / Dizza Vom Floesserdorf)
Sch, Korad (Tjh) Fannyhills Concorde
(Nch Dutchman Of The../ Korad Dizza Vom Floesserdorf)

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