KENNEL FANNYHILLS "Private collection" Page 3/3

Top Left---Fedor Von Sisgau Top Right---Flo Porretta
Bottom Left---Dark Vom Floesserdorf Bottom Right---Nicole Porretta
(Picture taken back in -88)

Rachen V.D Middachten (Dutchb.)
(Isy V.D Middachten / Jelste V.D Middachten)

Acktiva Bruno Breeder: Annika Granlund-Kristola / Finland
(Ch.Zhale Rough Justice / Fannyhills Claudia)
This is the litter born 1997-07-14 (4+1)
E:Rotchild van de Duvetorre U:Gold Jenny du Chemin Des Sorciéres
Merlyn, Moliére, Moulin Rouge, Mistral & Medusa
Fannyhills Medusa "Leia"
(EUW-95 DutchCh. Rotchild van de Duvetorre x Gold Jenny du Chemin des Sorcieres)
Female born 970714

1: Quasha V.D Duvetorre (Oryko V. Limburgstam / Noortje V.T Hoogkvartier)
2: Amber Van Rooboerstein Owner: Daniel & Jette Bopp / Denmark (Zandor V´t Brugske / Djerba V. Lisselvliedt)
3: Starbright (Norwegian Imp.-91) (Hassan Van Kriekebos / Zagal´s Felissia)

4: Toeval Van De Duvetorre (Quichot Van De Duvetorre / Roza Van´t Hoogkvartier)
5: Symbool Van De Duvetorre (Max Van Kriekebos / Qwini Van Kriekebos)
All photos of the LaekenZine are copyrighted by MiCaTo.