Korad IPO Allert
F. 960629
E. Dkch Don
U. Such Intuch Korad Lacken-Vacken Charlotte Backson
Allert is in: IPO I
Obediance Class III
Tracking Class I
Training for Swedish Protectionwork
Allert has got the mentaltested title KORAD
Allert passed the swedish policedogtest with exellent
results as follows:
Big prey drive (a lot of fighting spirit)
Moderate sharpness
Moderate defense drive
Moderate courage
Good nervs
Stabile under gunfire
Comments: Dominant male with a positive nature.
Will do exellent as a patroldog. Bites under all circumstances.
Allert is in duty as a securitydog, Falck Security, Malmoe
Allert is also Clubsieger in obediance 1999
Allert also have CERT; CACIB in shows
Owner: Cecilia Rotenius & Mats Eriksson Malmoe, Sweden
E-mail: matscecilia@post.netlink.se