Tequila van de Duvetorre
(s.r.Ch.Opium van Kriekebos x Ch.Qwini van Kriekebos)
Owner: Bernard Rie
Some of "Tequilas" achievements:
BIS-puppy at the Belgian Sheepdog speciality 1996
CAC-CACIB & BOB in Utrecht (Nl)1996
RCAC & Amsterdam young winner 1996
CAC-CACIB & BOB in Dortmund (D) 1997
CAC & CACIB at the French Championship 1997
CAC-CACIB & BOB in Frankfurt (D) 1997
CAC in Courcelle (B) 1997
CAC & BOB in Lokeren (B) 1997
RCAC in Amsterdam (Nl) 1997